The tailored wellness program – LifeWorks Senior Wellness Program – created by Lifetime Wellness, engages a holistic approach that seeks to “nurture the whole person,” enhancing their quality of life. This is particularly important for senior wellness given that all-too-often seniors are treated in a way that just looks at the immediate issue and thus neglects overall health.
To achieve this, the program specializes on six main wellness elements. According to program director, Brenton Onofre, the goal of the program is “to provide quality of life for our residents while they are living here by creating purpose each day and providing ways for residents to better themselves and help others. “We understand that to enhance both a person’s health and quality of life requires more than just clinical expertise. We’re always looking for ways to meet everyone’s interests and offer the opportunity for purposeful interaction, both with fellow residents and the staff.”
A holistic approach to senior wellness is the main tenet of the program. Looking at the senior as an entirety enables the one administering the treatment to thoroughly enhance quality of life, ensuring nothing is missed. Instead of just helping the elderly get involved in activities that can be challenging for them, this “innovative approach” does everything. It doesn’t just look at the mental side for example, or just focus on physical limitations. It spans: intellectual, emotional, social, physical, vocational, and spiritual, all at once, developing a group of activities that stretches these elements.
In addition to mind, body, intellectual based activities, there are also religious events held through the LifeWorks Senior Wellness Program. Brenton explains, “we work to integrate this into our residents’ rehab program so that have a more comprehensive understanding of what they can do to continue good health once they return home. Our Wellness Works program strives to make a lasting impact on any resident that transitions home from our facility, and the best way to do that is through caring and education.”